This collection of poems, originally published in 1912, showcases Yeats's distinctive lyrical style and his explorations of themes central to his work...
The Fiddler of Dooney is a lyrical poem written by William Butler Yeats, an Irish poet and Nobel laureate. It was first published in his 1899 collecti...
Siberia' is a poem by Irish poet James Clarence Mangan. It was written in 1840 and is one of his most famous works. The poem is a meditation on the va...
The book is a collection of lyric poems and essays by the Irish poet William Allingham. The poems are often lyrical and nostalgic, and they reflect Al...
A collection of charming and imaginative poems for children, written by the renowned Irish poet William Allingham. These verses, written for his own c...
Dora Sigerson Shorter's *Sad Years* is a collection of poems reflecting the emotional landscape of World War I. Written during the conflict, the poems...
This collection of sixteen poems showcases the work of William Allingham, a celebrated Irish poet of the Victorian era. Selected and curated by his ad...
“She Comes Not” is a collection of poems by Frederic Herbert Trench, an Irish poet known for his lyrical style and melancholic themes. The poems explo...
Katharine Tynan Hinkson's "Flower of Youth" is a collection of poems written during World War I, reflecting the profound impact of the conflict on the...
''Dolls'' is a collection of poems by William Butler Yeats, renowned for his profound exploration of Irish mythology, symbolism, and the complexities...
This collection of poems by Dora Sigerson Shorter explores themes of Irish mythology, nature, and the human experience. Shorter's work is characteriz...
This comprehensive anthology presents a vast collection of Irish poetry, meticulously edited and expertly translated into English by Alfred Perceval G...
This book is a collection of Irish poetry, edited and largely translated by Alfred Perceval Graves. It is the second and final part of the book. The p...