This collection brings together the complete poetic output of Oscar Wilde, spanning his early university days to his tragic final years. It includes h...
'Bookman' was a literary magazine published in the early 20th century, known for its contributions from notable writers of the time. The March 1921 i...
'Poetry of 'The Double Dealer', January-December 1922' presents a collection of 117 poems from the New Orleans-based literary magazine, 'The Double De...
This volume of *The Black Cat*, a popular literary magazine of the late 19th century, presents a collection of eight original short stories exploring...
The Rover, Volume 1, Number 1, published in 1843, is the inaugural issue of a weekly magazine featuring original and selected short stories, poems, an...
The Rover was a weekly magazine of tales, poetry, and engravings, original and selected, published in the United States from 1843 to 1855. It was edit...
The Black Cat was a monthly literary magazine that published original short stories, often about uncanny or fantastical topics. Many of the writers we...
The Black Cat was a monthly literary magazine that published original short stories, often about uncanny or fantastical topics. This issue features fi...
This volume of "The Black Cat" magazine features a collection of chilling short stories exploring themes of the uncanny, the supernatural, and the mac...
This volume of *The Black Cat* magazine presents a collection of short stories exploring themes of the uncanny and fantastical. It features tales of a...
This volume of *The Black Cat*, a popular literary magazine of the late 19th century, features five original short stories exploring themes of mystery...
This volume of "The Black Cat" magazine, published in May 1898, presents a collection of five short stories that delve into various themes of the maca...