In Augusta Huiell Seaman's "Boarded Up House", two best friends, Joyce and Cynthia, along with their canine companion Goliath, embark on a quest to un...
During a fierce snowstorm, a wealthy merchant and his loyal servant become lost and stranded in the wilderness. As they face the prospect of death, th...
This classic novel follows the intrepid Lord and Lady Glenarvan as they embark on a perilous journey across the globe to rescue the survivors of a shi...
This collection of early accounts brings to life the exploration and discovery of Yellowstone National Park. It features government reports, magazine...
This book delves into the experiences of a young woman who seeks independence in London. She navigates the challenges of navigating city life and fin...
Buster the Big Brown Bear follows the journey of a young bear cub named Buster who lives with his mother in a cave in the woods. After an encounter w...
Blackie, a beloved pet cat, embarks on an unexpected adventure after being led astray by a mischievous neighbor. Venturing beyond the comforts of her...
Lady Emilia Dilke's "Shrine of Death and Other Stories" is a collection of short tales exploring themes of the supernatural, loss, and the enigmatic n...
Dust of the Desert follows a group of explorers seeking a legendary lost city in the vast and unforgiving Arabian desert. Their journey along the trea...