Anna of the Five Towns follows the life of Anna Tellwright, a young woman trapped by her father's wealth and strict religious upbringing in the indust...
Set in the fictional 19th-century village of Beckside, 'Clog Shop Chronicles' offers a glimpse into the lives of a close-knit Methodist community. The...
Beckside Lights is a collection of 12 tales of everyday life in a close-knit Methodist community in the fictional village of Beckside (said to be some...
A Glimpse of India is a collection of letters written by Dr. Clara Swain, the first medical missionary sent to India by the Woman's Foreign Missionary...
The Journal of Francis Asbury is a fascinating and informative account of the life and ministry of one of the most important figures in American Metho...
This biography recounts the life of Billy Bray, a renowned Cornish preacher known for his unconventional and passionate style of preaching. It follows...