The novel, 'Familie Pfäffling,' tells the story of a musical family with seven children in early 20th-century Germany. It offers a glimpse into the ev...
Two Musicians is a short novel by Sarah Orne Jewett, known for its gentle and nuanced portrayal of life in a small New England town. It follows the fr...
He'd Nothing but His Violin is a classic poem by Mary Kyle Dallas that tells the story of a traveling musician and his wife. The musician has nothing...
This is the first volume of a three-volume biography of Ludwig van Beethoven, one of the most famous and influential composers in history. The book co...
This book delves into the life and times of Ludwig van Beethoven, one of the most renowned composers in music history. It explores his humble beginnin...
Sylvie de la Roche, the daughter of a destitute former nobleman, possesses a magnificent singing voice. Under the guidance of the irascible but talent...
This book explores the inner world of the blind through the experiences of three individuals: a blind girl, a boy gradually losing his sight, and a gi...
Jean-Christophe is a fictional character created by Romain Rolland, a prominent French writer who won the Nobel Prize in Literature. The story follows...
'My Musical Life' is a personal account of the life and career of Walter Damrosch, a renowned conductor who played a significant role in the developme...