This story of Santa Claus veers away slightly from the traditional stories of his beginnings. L. Frank Baum creates a world of fantasy that surrounds...
Farthest North, Volume I, chronicles Fridtjof Nansen's Arctic expedition aboard the ship Fram from 1893 to 1896. This volume recounts the voyage itsel...
Purple Cloud is a novel of cosmic horror and existential mystery, set against the backdrop of a perilous expedition to the North Pole. The story follo...
In this gripping memoir, Matthew Henson recounts his extraordinary journey to the North Pole alongside Robert Peary in 1909. As an African American ex...
The book '196 Tage auf treibender Eisscholle' by Emil Bessels recounts the harrowing ordeal of a group of explorers who were stranded on a drifting ic...
Arqtiq is a strange and wonderful work of feminist utopian fiction. It is the story of Anna, an aviator who leads an expedition to the North Pole in a...
This book chronicles the American efforts in exploring the Arctic region, specifically focusing on the Grinnell and Polaris expeditions. It delves int...