Leyendas, by Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer, is a collection of short stories that explore themes of the supernatural, the macabre, and the mystical. The stor...
This volume compiles a collection of captivating mystery and detective short stories originating from the East. The stories showcase diverse cultural...
„Dschinnistan oder Auserlesene Feen- und Geistermärchen“ ist eine Sammlung von märchenhaften Geschichten, die im Stil des Rokoko geschrieben sind. Die...
Bamboo Garden is a collection of poems by Edward Powys Mathers that explores themes of love, sensuality, and eroticism. The poems are set in an exotic...
« L'Arbre de Noël : Contes et Légendes » de Xavier Marmier est une compilation de 44 contes et légendes provenant de diverses cultures du monde. Il co...
The Thrill Book Vol. I No. 4 is a collection of thrilling and suspenseful stories that will keep you on the edge of your seat. In "Down the Coast of S...