This Cebuano-language story, written by Senator Vicente Rama, follows the life of Amboy, a man consumed by alcoholism. The story explores the impact...
George Wilbur Peck's "Sunbeams" is a collection of essays offering sharp social and political commentary through gentle sarcasm and wit. Peck's observ...
In the deep waters of the Philippine Sea, strange and terrifying events begin to occur. Ships disappear without a trace, and fish are found dead in ma...
Nang Bata Pa Kami is a story about a secret courtship told from the perspectives of both lovers. The novel explores the challenges and joys of young l...
This collection of stories, penned by Sargent Kayme, delves into the enigmatic realm of Filipino folklore, specifically focusing on the concept of 'an...
“Blood Road” is a long poem by Katharine Lee Bates, published in her 1911 collection *America the Beautiful and Other Poems*. The poem narrates a jour...
El Filibusterismo, a sequel to Noli Me Tangere, plunges readers into the tumultuous Philippines under Spanish rule. The novel paints a stark picture o...
This book, composed of personal letters written by a Civil War soldier to his future wife, offers a unique glimpse into the daily life of a soldier du...
This volume of the National Geographic Magazine from June 1898, aptly dubbed the 'Philippines Number,' provides a comprehensive look at the archipelag...
This issue of the National Geographic Magazine from May 1899 delves into various scientific and geographical topics. It features articles exploring th...
The National Geographic Magazine, Vol. 10, July 1899, offers a captivating exploration of various geographical and scientific topics. It delves into t...
“Frailocracia Filipina” is a critical examination of the Spanish colonial regime in the Philippines, focusing on the excessive power and influence hel...