Henry Vizetelly, writing under the pseudonym J. Tyrwhitt Brooks, chronicles his experiences during a journey to California in the mid-19th century. In...
This book explores the use of Apis Mellifica, the venom of the honey bee, as a homeopathic remedy. Dr. Wolf, a practicing physician, draws upon his ex...
PhilosophyNon-FictionSpeechEssaysBiography Health & Wellness
Sir William Osler's "Aequanimitas and Other Addresses" is a collection of his speeches, revealing a profound understanding of medicine as a profession...
Pep: The Story of a Brave Dog is a heartwarming tale of a loyal dog's unwavering devotion to his physician master during World War I. The story unfol...
Mr. Fortune is a physician who uses early forensic science techniques to solve crimes for the police. This volume contains seven more cases for him to...
Sweet Lavender is a charming and humorous play that follows the lives of a group of young people as they navigate the ups and downs of love, marriage,...
This book, written by Dr. Charles Lewis Meryon, details his time as Lady Hester Stanhope's physician during her extensive travels through Sicily and t...
Chalk Face, a psychological thriller by Waldo Frank, delves into the intricate relationship between a young physician and a murderer. The physician,...