Gevleugelde Daden is a satirical novel by Herman Heijermans Jr., published in 1911 under the pseudonym Samuel Falkland. It tells the story of early Du...
This book delves into the often-overlooked roles of women in the American West. Through individual stories and mini-biographies, it provides a glimpse...
'Fighting Shepherdess' by Caroline Lockhart is a classic Western novel that tells the story of a young woman who defies the odds to become a successfu...
Walt Whitman's 'Prairie Sunset' is a collection of poems that explore the vastness, beauty, and spirit of the American Midwest. Through vivid imagery...
This book is a history of the Australian naval pioneers, from the earliest Dutch, Spanish, and Portuguese explorers through to Captain Cook and the de...
Yukon Trail is an adventure yarn set during the Klondike Gold Rush. It follows the story of a young man who travels to the Yukon in search of fortune,...
In 'Queen of Appalachia,' a hidden civilization thrives in the Appalachian Mountains, descended from early American pioneers. They have built a utopia...
Helen S. Wright's 'Great White North' is a collection of biographical sketches highlighting the lives and experiences of individuals who ventured into...
This book offers a detailed account of the lives of the Wright brothers, the pioneers of powered flight. Written by Fred Kelly, a close friend of the...
Birds of Passage is a collection of seven poems by Walt Whitman, a selection from his larger work *Leaves of Grass*. This collection explores themes o...