De Vandrande Djäknarne is a charming and humorous novel that follows the adventures of two students as they wander through the Swedish countryside dur...
Dik Trom is a series of six books about a mischievous, fat boy named Dik Trom. The books are set in the early 20th century in the Netherlands. Dik Tro...
The Kitten is a delightful and charming poem about the playful antics of a young cat. The poem captures the kitten's innocence, energy, and curiosity...
“Greybeards at Play” is a collection of four poems, accompanied by illustrations, written by G.K. Chesterton at the age of 26. It showcases Chesterton...
"Katerpoesie" is a collection of humorous and satirical poems by Paul Scheerbart. Known for his playful and unconventional style, Scheerbart's poems e...