Set against the backdrop of the Anglo-Mysore Wars, 'Tiger of Mysore' follows young Dick Holland and his mother as they embark on a perilous journey to...
Angèle, une jeune orpheline, est élevée par deux charmants Québécois. Un soir, elle rentre chez elle et trouve un jeune homme ensanglanté sur son pas...
Fanny Kelly's "Narrative of My Captivity Among the Sioux Indians" provides a firsthand account of her harrowing experience as a captive of the Sioux d...
Tower of Dago is a captivating tale of betrayal and revenge. Feodor von Ungern, a man consumed by bitterness after being betrayed by his brother Zeno,...
This volume of Alexandre Dumas's "Celebrated Crimes" explores two fascinating historical cases: The Man in the Iron Mask and Martin Guerre. It delves...
This seventh issue of volume 2 of "The Black Cat" magazine features a collection of five original short stories exploring themes of mystery, fantasy,...
A Prisoner in a Dungeon Deep is a poem by Anne Brontë, exploring the themes of love, confinement, and the yearning for freedom. The speaker, a prisone...