“The Aged Stranger” is a poem by Bret Harte, a prominent figure in American Western literature. It tells the story of an elderly man who has lived a l...
In 'They and I', Jerome K. Jerome captures the amusing chaos of family life with his characteristic wit and charm. A father and his three children lea...
“Comet and Other Verses” by Irving Sydney Dix is a collection of poetry reflecting on the rural life and landscape of the Wayne Highlands region in Pe...
This story is a gentle and nostalgic account of a fictional country doctor on Christmas Eve. The narrative explores the deep connection between the do...
Dom Casmurro é uma obra de Machado de Assis que explora a complexidade da memória e da percepção humana através da história de Bento Santiago, um home...
In the Oregon Country is a travelogue by George Palmer Putnam that describes the author's experiences traveling through the Pacific Northwest in the l...
Mark Twain and the Happy Island is a charming and insightful memoir by Elizabeth Wallace, who became a close friend of Mark Twain during his final yea...
This book is a collection of twenty chapters about everyday life, linked together by a common theme and the story of a young man's life, from childhoo...