This Restoration comedy, written by George Farquhar, revolves around the amorous escapades of Sir Harry Wildair, a charming but dissolute gentleman. H...
Sir Harry Wildair is a Restoration comedy by George Farquhar, a sequel to his earlier play *The Constant Couple*. Set in the bustling and fashionable...
'Inconstant' is a Restoration comedy set in Paris, revolving around the complexities of love, marriage, and social expectations. The play follows the...
''Love and a Bottle'' is a Restoration comedy by George Farquhar, set in London. The play revolves around the comedic escapades of Roebuck, a spirited...
The Country Wife is a lively and riotous exploration of courtly and city life in the seventeenth century. The play follows the clever town rake Horner...
Richard Steele's 'The Tender Husband' is a Restoration comedy that revolves around the comedic misadventures of a group of characters navigating the i...
The Conscious Lovers is a play by Richard Steele, originally written in 1722. It deals with themes of love, honor, and social duty, exploring the comp...
The Old Bachelor is a Restoration comedy by William Congreve, known for its witty dialogue and satirical portrayal of London society. The play revolv...
The Double Dealer is a Restoration comedy by William Congreve. It was first performed in 1693 and was a critical and commercial success. The play is a...