The Book of Five Rings is a masterpiece written by Miyamoto Musashi, a legendary swordsman and philosopher of medieval Japan. This timeless classic on...
Tales of Old Japan by Lord Redesdale, published in 1871, is a collection of short stories, folklore, and observations on Japanese life during the Edo...
In the twilight of the Edo period, a tale of vengeance and redemption unfolds in 'Onsyuu no Kanata ni' by Kan Kikuchi. Ichikuro, a samurai consumed by...
''Romances of Old Japan'' is a collection of traditional Japanese tales translated into English by Yei Theodora Ozaki. The stories explore themes of l...
'History of Japan In Words of One Syllable' is a simplified account of Japan's history, spanning from ancient times to the late 19th century. Written...
Herbert Henry Gowen's 'Outline History of Japan' provides a comprehensive account of Japanese history from its origins to the early 20th century. It c...
Warriors of Old Japan is a collection of stories featuring members of the Samurai - the warrior class of old Japan, rendered into English by Yei Theod...