This captivating detective story follows the investigation into a counterfeiting operation that has plagued western Massachusetts. When suspicious let...
In this suspenseful novel, a man named Manton finds himself embroiled in a dangerous world of espionage and deception. Thrust into a web of secret ope...
In 'Murder Madness!', a chilling tale of espionage and danger, seven Secret Service agents vanish without a trace. One agent is found, but transforme...
This book, "On Secret Service" by William Nelson Taft, presents a collection of true stories based on real cases solved by the U.S. Secret Service. In...
Space travel, telepathy, and heroism! Military school cadet George Hanlon is selected to join an elite, super-secret, secret service organization. He...
In this adventure tale, sixteen-year-old twin brothers Guy and Walter, known as the 'Radio Boys,' embark on a thrilling journey. Guy travels to London...