This surprisingly explicit sample of Victorian erotica follows the sexual awakening and subsequent adventures of its author, Kate Percival, the "belle...
Spring Awakening is the German dramatist Frank Wedekind's first major play and a foundational work in the modern history of theatre. It was written so...
Delve into the shadows of an unjust world, where innocence is traded and lives hang in the balance. "Fighting the Traffic in Young Girls" by Ernest A....
This historical novel, written in the voice of its protagonist, delves into the intimate life of Kate Percival, a captivating woman navigating the soc...
Verwirrungen des Zöglings Törleß is a novel set in an Austrian boarding school during the late 19th century. The story focuses on the protagonist, Tör...
Das Buch 'Tagebuch eines halbwüchsigen Mädchens' erzählt die Geschichte von Grete Lainer, einem jungen Mädchen aus gutem Hause in Wien, das zwischen d...