The Anatomy of Melancholy is a unique and wide-ranging work that explores the nature of human emotion and thought through the lens of melancholy. Draw...
Pointed Roofs is a novel by Dorothy Richardson that follows the experiences of Miriam Henderson, a young Englishwoman who moves to Germany to teach at...
"Geography and Plays" is a collection of Gertrude Stein's experimental writings, first published in 1922. The book is composed of a series of "word po...
In "Pointed Roofs," the first volume of Dorothy Richardson's groundbreaking "Pilgrimage," we encounter Miriam Henderson, a young woman navigating the...
In "Backwater," Dorothy Richardson's second novel in the "Pilgrimage" series, Miriam Henderson, the central character, continues her journey of self-d...
Prufrock and Other Observations, published in 1917, is a collection of poems by T.S. Eliot that revolutionized modern poetry. The title poem, "The Lov...
To the Lighthouse is a modernist novel by Virginia Woolf that was first published in 1927. The novel follows the Ramsay family as they spend a summer...
Chester Francis Cobb's *Mr. Moffatt* delves into the complexities of a middle-aged man in suburban Sydney, Australia. Mr. Moffatt, a chemist, finds hi...
Gertrude Stein's *The Making of Americans* is a monumental work of experimental fiction that challenges traditional narrative structures and explores...