In "Aunt Jane's Nieces In Society," the three cousins Louise, Patsy, and Beth navigate the intricacies of social life as they enter into society. The...
Lady Truman, a wealthy widow, is besieged by suitors after the death of her husband, Sir George Truman. However, her house is haunted by the ghostly s...
Book 17 of Homer's Odyssey follows Telemachus' return to Ithaca, where he is reunited with his father, Odysseus, who has been disguised as a beggar. O...
In the bustling city of Madrid, Madame Pepita, a renowned dressmaker with a hidden past, finds herself at the center of an intricate web of relationsh...
Makeshifts and Realities is a play that follows the lives of two sisters, Caroline and Dolly Parker, as they navigate the challenges of being single w...