This book provides a glimpse into the daily life of a young Korean boy named Yung Pak. It describes his daily routine, his family and friends, his cul...
“Canadians of Old” by Philippe Aubert de Gaspé delves into the cultural heritage of French Canada in the late 18th century, drawing on the author's ow...
This book is a collection of folk tales, legends, and superstitions from the regions of Pommern and Rügen in Germany. They provide insights into the c...
'Round About a Great Estate' by Richard Jefferies, is a captivating exploration of the English countryside, its natural beauty, and the lives of the p...
King Mombo is an adventure story for young adults set in Africa. The young hero sets out from New York aboard ship and after an eventful journey arriv...
The third part of James Frazer's monumental "The Golden Bough" explores the practice of human sacrifice and the mortality of gods in various cultures....