Observations of an Orderly is a memoir by Ward Muir that provides a glimpse into the inner workings of an English war hospital during wartime. Muir, a...
Cousin's Conspiracy follows the journey of Ernest Ray, a young boy who sets out to right a wrong. His father was cheated out of his rightful inheritan...
In this gripping memoir, Matthew Henson recounts his extraordinary journey to the North Pole alongside Robert Peary in 1909. As an African American ex...
Charlie Brooke is a young boy with a heart of gold. He is always looking for ways to help others, even when it puts himself in danger. In this book, C...
This Fortnightly Poem is taken from *Underneath the Bough: A Book of Verses* by Michael Field, a pseudonym for the English poets Katharine Harris Brad...
This memoir chronicles the life of Jennie Smith, a 19th-century woman who faced immense adversity. At the age of 15, her father's business failed, he...