This novel introduces Hugh 'Bulldog' Drummond, a retired British Army officer who finds himself drawn into a dangerous world of intrigue and espionage...
The Ghost Breaker is a classic haunted house horror novel that follows the story of Warren, a ghost breaker from Kentucky, who is called to investigat...
The Vicar and his daughters, seeking a peaceful life, relocate to a serene country village. Their idyllic existence is disrupted when they discover th...
Eliza Fenwick's 'Secresy, or, The Ruin on the Rock' is a captivating novel that explores the complexities of female friendship, societal expectations,...
In a future where the Galactic Civilization is established and Lensmen safeguard every world, the threat of Atomic Vortexes still lingers. 'Storm' Clo...
'Pilgrims' Project' is a science fiction novel that explores themes of individualism, societal control, and the power of the human spirit in a future...