Molly is a quirky and spirited twenty-five-year-old widow living in picturesque Hillsboro. She's been on a strict diet and in serious boy trouble ever...
Mother Carey's Chickens is a heartwarming and poignant story about a family coping with the loss of their father. After Captain Carey dies, his wife a...
Elsie's Widowhood continues the story of Elsie Dinsmore, a beloved character in American literature, as she navigates the challenges of widowhood afte...
In 'Werde, die Du bist,' Hedwig Dohm delves into the psychological and societal complexities of a woman navigating life after her husband's death. The...
The Joyful Widower is a poem by Robert Burns that explores the themes of love, marriage, and domesticity. The poem tells the story of a man who is lef...