
Lifetime: 1840 - 1897 Passed: ≈ 127 years ago




Alphonse Daudet

Books by Alphonse Daudet

Tartarin de Tarascon Cover image

Tartarin de Tarascon

Qui n'a jamais entendu parler de Tartarin de Tarascon, le grand Tartarin, héros de Tarascon, chef des chasseurs de casquettes ? Alphonse Daudet nous le présente, nous dépeint son « chez lui », ses habitudes, sa vie à Tarascon, qu'il va être amené à...

Lettres de mon moulin Cover image

Lettres de mon moulin

Contes de Provence, d'Algérie et de Corse. (par Naf)

Tartarin of Tarascon Cover image

Tartarin of Tarascon

The story tells the burlesque adventures of Tartarin, a local hero of Tarascon, a small town in southern France, whose invented adventures and reputation as a swashbuckler finally force him to travel to a very prosaic Algiers in search of lions. (Su...

Christmas Stories from French and Spanish Writers Cover image

Christmas Stories from French and Spanish Writers

Fifteen short stories by Antoinette Ogden from French and Spanish writers of many times. - Summary by david wales

Monday Tales Cover image

Monday Tales

This is a collection of short stories by Alphonse Daudet. The stories paint an incredibly vivid picture of life in continental Europe before the turn of the last century. The settings of the stories also take us all over France, Belgium, and Germany,...

Safo Cover image


Juan, joven provinciano, conoce a Safo una mujer de los bajos fondos de París bastante mayor que él pero que sigue siendo bellísima. Entre ellos se establece una tormentosa relación de la que Juan se ve imposibilitado para salir. A pesar de la época...