
Lifetime: 1775 - 1818 Passed: ≈ 207 years ago




Matthew Lewis

Books by Matthew Lewis

Monk: A Romance Cover image

Monk: A Romance

Romance Horror Novel
Gothic Romanticism Supernatural Desire Scandal Unrequited love Good vs evil Gender roles Rape Torture Incest LGBT Same-Sex Love Immorality

Matthew Gregory Lewis's *The Monk* is a groundbreaking gothic novel that delves into the dark recesses of human desire and the seductive power of the supernatural. Set against a backdrop of shadowy monasteries and haunted castles, the story follows A...

Castle Spectre Cover image

Castle Spectre

Romance Horror Drama
Gothic Tragedy Romance Comedy Hero Medieval Castle Farce Secret Damsel Spectre Wales Distress

The Castle Spectre is a Gothic play written by Matthew Lewis. Set in medieval Conway, Wales, the play follows a classic Gothic narrative: a young woman named Angela is trapped in a menacing castle with a villainous nobleman, Reginald, who has a dark...

Adelgitha; or, The Fruits of a Single Error Cover image

Adelgitha; or, The Fruits of a Single Error

Fiction History Drama Tragedy
Drama Love Gothic Morality Power Tragedy Revenge Medieval Betrayal Blackmail Normans Byzantium Fallen Woman Ruthless Tyrant High Middle Ages

Set in the tumultuous era of the High Middle Ages, "Adelgitha" plunges the reader into a world of political intrigue and personal despair. The play revolves around Adelgitha, a Princess of Apulia, whose life is shattered by a single error in judgment...