
Lifetime: 1587 - 1620 Passed: ≈ 405 years ago




Nathan Field

Books by Nathan Field

Amends for Ladies Cover image

Amends for Ladies

Comedy Fiction Drama
Widow Disguise Infidelity Wife Maid Jacobean Duel Bawdy humor City comedy Roaring Girl

Amends for Ladies is a Jacobean city comedy that follows three women as they debate which has the better lot: a maid, a wife, or a widow. Lady Honour, the maid, disguises herself as a boy to become servant to the man she loves. Lady Perfect, the wife...

Woman is a Weathercock Cover image

Woman is a Weathercock

Comedy Drama
Marriage Love Comedy Disguise Deception Satire Farce London Wit Jacobean

A Woman is a Weathercock is a satirical comedy by Nathan Field that follows the misadventures of three sisters as they navigate the complexities of love and marriage in Jacobean London. The play is full of witty dialogue, mistaken identities, and sla...