
Lifetime: 1880 - 1950 Passed: ≈ 75 years ago





Walter Ben Hare

Books by Walter Ben Hare

Sunshine Cover image


Comics Act Fun

This delightful comedy is sure to brighten your day as we join an amusing group of characters while they recover from various ailments at the Sunshine Sanitarium.

Civil Service Cover image

Civil Service

Comedy Drama
Comics Struggle Act Life America United States Bravery

"An American Drama in Three Acts. A Play with a Punch." "A comedy drama of American life depicting the joys and sorrows, the heartaches and struggles and temptations of a small group of government employees working in a post office in a small city in...

The Hoodoo Cover image

The Hoodoo

Comedy Children's Literature
Power Mystery Children Adventure Comics Friendship Imagination

The story follows a group of young boys as they explore a mysterious and supposedly haunted cabin in the woods, known as the "Hoodoo." As the boys delve deeper into the Hoodoo's secrets, they encounter a series of spine-tingling adventures that test...

Parlor Matches Cover image

Parlor Matches

Comedy Romance Fiction
Family Love Social Satire Romance Comedy Engagement Society Relationships Butler Maid Mistaken identity Matchmaking

Parlor Matches revolves around Mrs. Seltoon, a matchmaking matriarch determined to find suitable partners for her daughters and ward, Gail. When she sets her sights on Adrian Lee, a popular film star, for Gail, a series of mishaps unfold. Gail, unawa...

Bride and Groom Cover image

Bride and Groom

Comedy Romance Fiction
Marriage Love Romance Comedy Farce Doctor Wedding Characters Misunderstandings Robber Scheme Fake

Dr. Bancroft, a young physician struggling to establish his practice, finds himself in a predicament when his fiancée is set to arrive for a visit. To impress her, a plan is concocted to make him appear busy and successful. This leads to a series of...