Guide For The Perplexed, Part 2

Guide for the Perplexed, Part 2

by Moses Maimonides

The Guide for the Perplexed, a seminal work by Moses Maimonides, is a philosophical treatise aimed at reconciling Jewish religious beliefs with the philosophical doctrines of Aristotle and other Greek thinkers. Written in Arabic in the 12th century, the book addresses the complexities of Jewish theology and offers Maimonides' interpretations of key concepts like prophecy, divine attributes, and the nature of God. It presents a systematic approach to understanding Judaism through the lens of reason and logic, while simultaneously affirming the importance of faith and tradition. The Guide for the Perplexed has been influential in both Jewish and wider philosophical thought, inspiring subsequent thinkers and shaping the course of Jewish intellectual history.


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Moses Maimonides

Almoravid Empire

Moses ben Maimon commonly known as Maimonides and also referred to by the acronym Rambam was a Sephardic Jewish philosopher who became one of the most prolific and influential Torah scholars of the Mi...

Books by Moses Maimonides

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0: The Author's Introduction. The Twenty-Six Propositions employed by the Philosophers to prove the Existence of God
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0: The Author's Introduction. The Twenty-Six Propositions employed by the Philosophers to prove the Existence of God
1: I. Philosophical proofs for the Existence, Incorporeality, and Unity of the First Cause
2: II. On the Existence of Intelligences or purely Spiritual Beings
3: Ill. The Author adopts the Theory of Aristotle as least open to Objections
4: IV. The Spheres and the Causes of their Motion
5: V. Agreement of the Aristotelian Theory with the Teaching of Scripture
6: VI. What is meant by the Scriptural Term "Angels"
7: VII. The Homonymity of the term "Angel"
8: VIII. On the Music of the Spheres
9: IX. On the Number of the Heavenly Spheres
10: X. The Influence of the Spheres upon the Earth manifests itself in four different ways
11: XI. The Theory of Eccentricity Preferable to that of Epicycles
12: XII. On the Nature of the Divine Influence and that of the Spheres
13: XIII. Three Different Theories about the Beginning of the Universe
14: XIV. Seven Methods by which the Philosophers sought to prove the Eternity of the Universe
15: XV. Aristotle does not scientifically demonstrate his Theory
16: XVI. The Author refutes all Objections to Creatio ex nihilo
17: XVII. The Laws of Nature apply to Things Created, but do not regulate the Creative Act which produces them
18: XVIII. Examinations of the Proofs of Philosophers for the Eternity of the Universe
19: XIX. Design in Nature
20: XX. The Opinion of Aristotle as regards Design in Nature
21: XXI. Explanation of the Aristotelian Theory that the Universe is the necessary Result of the First Cause
22: XXII. Objections to the Theory of the Eternity of the Universe
23: XXIII. The Theory of Creatio ex nihilo is preferable to that of the Eternity of the Universe
24: XXIV. Difficulty of Comprehending the Nature and the Motion of the Spheres according to the Theory of Aristotle
25: XXV. The Theory of Creation is adopted because of its own Superiority, the Proofs based on Scripture being Inconclusive
26: XXVI. Examination of a passage from Pirke di-Rabbi Eliezer in reference to Creation
27: XXVII. The Theory of a Future Destruction of the Universe is not part of the Religious Belief taught in the Bible
28: XXVIII. Scriptural Teaching is in favour of the Indestructibility of the Universe
29: XXIX. Explanation of Scriptural Phrases implying the Destruction of Heaven and Earth
30: XXX. Philosophical Interpretation of Genesis i.-iv.
31: XXXI. The Institution of the Sabbath serves (1) to Teach the Theory of Creation, and (2) to promote Man's Welfare
32: XXXII. Three Theories concerning Prophecy
33: XXXIII. The Difference between Moses and the other Israelites as regards the Revelation on Mount Sinai
34: XXXIV. Explanation of Exodus xxiii. 20
35: XXXV. The Difference between Moses and the other Prophets as regards the Miracles wrought by them
36: XXXVI. On the Mental, Physical and Moral Faculties of the Prophets
37: XXXVII. On the Divine Influence upon Man's Imaginative and Mental Faculties through the Active Intellect
38: XXXVIII. Courage and Intuition reach the highest degree of Perfection in Prophets
39: XXXIX. Moses was the fittest Prophet to Receive and Promulgate the Immutable Law, which succeeding Prophets merely Taught and Expounded
40: XL. The Test of True Prophecy
41: XLI. What is Meant by "Vision"
42: XLII. Prophets Received Direct Communication only in Dreams or Visions
43: XLIII. On the Allegories of the Prophets
44: XLIV. On the Different Modes in which Prophets Receive Divine Messages
45: XLV. The Various Classes of Prophets
46: XLVI. The Allegorical Acts of Prophets formed Parts of Prophetic Visions
47: XLVII. On the Figurative Style of the Prophetic Writings
48: XLVIII. Scripture ascribes Phenomena directly produced by Natural Causes to God as the First Cause of all things

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