Book Cover of Infection and Immunity

Infection and Immunity

by George M. Sternberg

Infection and Immunity with Special Reference to the Prevention of Infectious Diseases presents a subject that is as relevant today as it was in 1903. This book was written for readers without a medical background, and includes general information on infectious disease, as well as specific diseases prevalent at the time. To quote the author, who served as the U.S. Army Surgeon General from 1893-1902, "The general statement may be made that all infectious disease are preventable disease, and at the present time it is possible to indicate the necessary measures of prevention for nearly all of these diseases. That they continue to prevail, and to claim hundreds of thousands of victims annually, is largely due to the fact that the public, generally, has not yet been educated upon these subjects."

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George M. Sternberg

United States

Brigadier General George Miller Sternberg was a U.S. Army physician who is considered the first U.S. bacteriologist, having written Manual of Bacteriology (1892). After he survived typhoid and yellow...

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