'Man-Wolf' Summary
The story unfolds in a remote village in the French countryside. The protagonist, a young man named Jean-Pierre, is plagued by nightmares and a growing sense of unease. As strange events unfold around him, Jean-Pierre discovers he has inherited a family curse, transforming into a monstrous wolf-like creature under the full moon. His initial terror turns into a desperate fight for control over his primal urges. As the transformations become more frequent, Jean-Pierre's sanity unravels. He struggles to reconcile his human identity with the monstrous beast he becomes, while facing the fear and prejudice of the villagers. The story explores the themes of fear, isolation, and the consequences of a life consumed by a supernatural curse. The Man-Wolf is a chilling tale that blends gothic horror with social commentary, leaving a lasting impression on the reader long after the final page is turned.Book Details
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