Little Fuzzy is a classic science fiction novel by H. Beam Piper that explores the ethical implications of first contact with an intelligent alien spe...
This groundbreaking book, published in the early 20th century, is considered the first vegan cookbook. It goes beyond simply offering recipes, provid...
Henry Salt's *Logic of Vegetarianism* presents a compelling case for vegetarianism, using clear logic and engaging dialogues. Salt examines the ethica...
In "Unter Tieren," Manfred Kyber delves into the intricate world of animal behavior, offering a unique perspective that bridges the gap between humans...
This novel follows the journey of three eleven-year-old girls who form an inseparable bond and call themselves the Dearwas. They are joined by a group...
"Poor Blossom" by Edith Carrington is an autobiographical children’s story of a horse’s life from birth until death. The horse learns from his mother...