I, Robot is a collection of short stories exploring the implications of advanced robotics and artificial intelligence. Asimov introduces his famous T...
Arthur Scott Bailey (1877 – 1949) was author of more than forty children's books. Bailey's writing has been described thusly by the Newark Evening New...
Reynard the Fox is a collection of allegorical fables that originated in the Middle Ages. The stories are centered around Reynard, a cunning and misch...
A collection of Kipling's writings, including some of his most famous stories such as "Rikki-Tikki-Tavi" and "The Jungle Book." These stories offer a...
Assembly of Animals is a groundbreaking work of Korean literature, notable as the first modern novel in the language. Published in 1908, the book empl...
The Orphic Hymns, attributed to the legendary figure Orpheus, are a collection of ancient Greek poems that celebrate various deities. These hymns were...