The "Eumenides", also known as "The Kindly Ones", is the final play in Aeschylus's renowned trilogy, "The Oresteia." It follows the aftermath of Orest...
Sophocles' *Ajax* delves into the psychological turmoil of the titular hero after the Trojan War. Following the humiliation of losing Achilles' armor...
Κόστας Παλαμάς, ένας από τους κορυφαίους Έλληνες ποιητές, με τον ύμνο του προς την Αθηνά, εστιάζει στην ιστορία και την ερμηνεία της θεάς της σοφίας κ...
Book 16 of Homer's Odyssey recounts the emotional and dramatic reunion between Odysseus and his son, Telemachus. After years of wandering and hardship...