This version of the classic tale of the three bears has a heroine named Golden Hair. The jolly bears, instead of chasing her away from their home, com...
At the age of 16 Ballantyne went to Canada and was six years in the service of the Hudson's Bay Company. His rule in writing, being in every case, was...
Sir Charles G. D. Roberts's "Hoof and Claw" is a collection of fourteen short stories that showcase the author's remarkable ability to bring the Canad...
In 'Old-Fashioned Thanksgiving,' the Bassett family is thrown into a delightful flurry of activity when they are left to manage Thanksgiving preparati...
In 'Valiant Runaways', set in the rugged frontier of California, a group of young protagonists face perilous encounters with nature and conflict. Thei...
Balser Brent, the protagonist of this captivating tale, has a unique affinity for encountering bears in the great outdoors. Despite his young age, Bal...
Joaquin Miller's True Bear Stories is a collection of tales about the bears of California. Miller, a famous poet and writer, spent much of his childho...
This book tells the story of two teddy bears named Teddy-B and Teddy-G who embark on a journey from the American West to the East. They experience a v...
This book follows the comical adventures of two teddy bears from the American Wild West as they embark on a journey through Europe. The story is told...
This charming tale follows the adventures of a young bear cub who is captured and taken to a circus. While in captivity, the cub experiences the wonde...
Neddie and Beckie Stubtail is a delightful collection of 31 short stories, one for each day of the month, featuring the adventures and escapades of tw...
This charming children's book follows the adventures of Bunny and Susan Cotton-Tail as they navigate their family life and encounters with other woodl...