It is a captivating collection of short stories that provides a glimpse into the lives of various characters residing in a German boarding house. Writ...
The flood brings in not only the muddy waters but a series of suspicious clues that convinced Mrs. Pitman, a boarding house keeper, that a murder has...
Richard Hunter, formerly Ragged Dick, continues to advance in the world through luck and excellent morals. He, along with his friend Henry, moves into...
Juffrouw Lirriper en haar Commensalen is a collection of short stories set in a London boarding house during the Victorian era. The stories are narrat...
Set in late Victorian London, *The Paying Guest* explores the dynamics of class and social hierarchy through the lens of a young woman seeking a respe...
This book tells the story of Mag Jessup, an orphan girl who works as a servant in Mrs. Perkins' boarding house. Despite her lack of formal education,...
Christie, an orphaned boy, finds solace in the haunting melodies of an old barrel organ in the attic of his boarding house. His world is thrown into...
Charlotte's Inheritance follows the story of a mysterious young English widow who arrives in Paris seeking a new start. She finds herself drawn to a d...
The Luck of the Dudley Grahams is a heartwarming and humorous tale of a family navigating the challenges of life after the loss of a loved one. Told t...
The story revolves around Miss Buzby's boarding house, which is full of an eclectic group of theatrical types. As the story unfolds, we learn about th...
In a German Pension is a collection of short stories that explore the lives of women living in a boarding house in Germany. The stories are full of wi...
In the quaint atmosphere of a Geneva pension, 'Study in Shadows' unfolds a tale of intertwined lives and simmering emotions. Felicia, a young woman of...