The novel is set in a fishing village in Dorset during the mid 18th century. The story concerns a 15 year old orphan boy, John Trenchard, who becomes...
Bliss Carman's "Ballads of Lost Haven: A Book of the Sea" presents a lyrical exploration of the sea and its profound influence on human life. Carman d...
This inaugural volume of the National Geographic Magazine from 1889 marks the Society's ambitious start in disseminating knowledge about the natural w...
Cutlass and Cudgel follows the adventures of a midshipman aboard the HMS White Hawk, a cutter tasked with combating smuggling along the Wessex coast....
In 1911, long before the iconic California Highway 1 existed, an Englishman named Joseph Smeaton Chase embarked on a solitary journey along the entire...
This book is a detailed account of Wallis Nash's experiences as a British lawyer who visited and later emigrated to Oregon with his family. Nash provi...
This issue of *The Thrill Book* features a collection of short stories spanning genres like adventure, horror, and mystery. Seabury Quinn's chilling...