In Albert Payson Terhune's heartwarming tale, Link Ferris discovers an injured collie on his way home one evening. Having no experience with dogs, Lin...
This book, a collection of dog stories, celebrates the bond between humans and their canine companions. Terhune, a renowned collie breeder, delves in...
Lad: A Dog is a timeless classic that tells the heartwarming story of the bond between a boy and his dog. Set in the early 1900s, the novel follows th...
Bruce is a heartwarming story about an unwanted puppy who finds love and becomes a hero. The story is set against the backdrop of World War I, and Bru...
Further Adventures of Lad is a collection of stories about a beloved collie dog named Lad. It chronicles his life on a farm, his experiences with the...
Treve, a beautiful and spirited collie, finds himself on a sheep ranch in the American West. The story follows his adventures and experiences as he na...