It follows the adventures of Blacky, a clever and mischievous crow, as he explores the enchanting world of the Green Forest. Written by the beloved au...
What happens when a clever crow meets his match in a cunning fox?
The Tale of Old Mr. Crow is a classic children's story about a wise old crow who is...
One of Bailey's "Sleepy-Time Tales," this is the story of Timothy Turtle, a grumpy old turtle trying to live his life alongside Black Creek. Timothy's...
Arthur Scott Bailey (1877 – 1949) was author of more than forty children's books. He was born on November 15, 1877, in St. Albans, Vermont, United Sta...
This volume in the series, Sleepy-Time Tales, follows the adventures of Master Meadow Mouse as he moves his home to various (safer) places, and tells...