Hardy claimed poetry as his first love, and published collections until his death in 1928. Although not as well received by his contemporaries as his...
Gold Hunter's Experience is a witty and engrossing tale of participation in the Pike's Peak gold rush. Four men in partnership hauled 24 tons of minin...
In the untamed prairies of Kansas, Celia and her husband Seth embark on a perilous journey to build a home and a future. But their dreams are soon sha...
Casey at the Bat is a humorous and nostalgic poem about a baseball game in which the home team, Mudville, is losing until their star player, Casey, co...
This volume of poetry, edited by Bliss Carman, explores themes of sorrow and consolation. Featuring a diverse selection of poems, it delves into topic...
Eugene Onegin is a verse novel by Alexander Pushkin, a landmark of Russian literature. The story revolves around Eugene Onegin, a young nobleman who...
“Dismissed” by George Pope Morris is a short, humorous poem exploring the themes of romantic rejection and the bitter irony of being cast aside by a l...
In "Der Feurige Busch," Paul Zech delves into the lives of industrial workers, capturing their struggles and aspirations amidst the harsh realities of...