This book, written by Orville Wright, delves into the early days of aviation and explores the groundbreaking work of the Wright brothers. It provides...
“Crossways” is William Butler Yeats’ first collection of poetry, showcasing his early style and themes. Published in 1889, the poems within are deepl...
Robert F. Murray's "Summer Morning" is a collection of poems that reflect on themes of youth, life, and mortality. The poems, often tinged with melanc...
This collection of short stories features the early, darker iterations of Boston Blackie, the fictional detective created by Jack Boyle, a former opiu...
This collection of poetry, published in 1896, showcases the early works of Alice Duer Miller, a prominent American author and advocate for women's suf...
“Música do Parnasso” by Manuel Botelho de Oliveira is a groundbreaking work in Brazilian literature. It holds the distinction of being the first book...
This collection of short stories, penned by an anonymous author, presents charming glimpses into English life during the early 19th century. The narra...
'The New Country' is a collection of poetry written by an anonymous early settler in Ontario, Canada. The poem is extracted from a 40-page pamphlet pu...