The Groundwork of the Christian Virtues is a classic work of Catholic theology that explores the nature and importance of virtue in the Christian life...
Schippersjongen is a historical novel set during the Siege of Leiden in 1573-1574. The story follows a young boy named Kees who joins a group of rebel...
This selection from Saint Thomas Aquinas's *Summa Theologica* delves into the four cardinal virtues: prudence, justice, fortitude, and temperance. Aqu...
A gripping, coming-of-age tale of youthful heroism, wisdom, and fortitude set on the Arabian Peninsula, similar in style to the classic ""One Thousand...
Held Fast for England' is a gripping historical adventure novel by G. A. Henty that follows the captivating journey of young Bob Repton. Despite his m...
"Invictus" is a poem by William Ernest Henley that embodies the Victorian concept of stoicism. It expresses the idea that even in the face of adversit...