Merton of the Movies follows the journey of Merton Gill, a naive but determined young man from a small town in Illinois, who arrives in Hollywood with...
Nicholas Martin, a celebrated playwright, finds himself trapped in a five-year contract with the egotistical director Raoul St. Cyr. St. Cyr's vision...
Hattie of Hollywood follows the journey of Hattie Johnson, a young factory girl with no aspirations for fame or beauty, who finds herself thrust into...
Told Under a White Oak Tree follows the adventures of William S. Hart, a renowned silent film cowboy, as seen through the eyes of his loyal horse. Thi...
Published in 1922, "The Sins of Hollywood" is a scathing exposé of the film industry's perceived moral failings. Written anonymously (later revealed t...
Souls for Sale is a novel set in 1920s Hollywood, exploring the moral complexities and perceived vice within the film industry. Mem Steddon, a young w...
Mollie of the Movies is a light-hearted novel that follows the journey of a young woman named Mollie as she navigates the world of Hollywood in the ea...
Beth and Patsy, along with their Uncle John, decide to spend the winter at a hotel in the little village of Hollywood, where they get drawn into the n...
This memoir, written in a conversational and humorous style, offers a glimpse into the world of Bonnie Delane, a renowned silent film star. Delane, kn...
In the wondrous Land of Oz, a mystery unfolds. Princess Ozma's father, the Lost King, was transformed by the wicked witch Mombi, losing his throne and...
This book, written by acclaimed director Peter Bogdanovich, offers an insightful analysis of the cinematic genius of Orson Welles. Bogdanovich, known...
This book, written by Samuel Goldwyn, one of the founding fathers of the Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM) film studio, provides an insider's perspective on t...