A collection of King Arthur's adventures, from his ascent to King of Britain to his death. This book includes some of the crucial Arthurian legends ab...
In a future where time travel is a reality, Tom Mallory is a time-thief who travels back to 542 to retrieve the Holy Grail. However, his journey is no...
This book, adapted from the 'Book of Romance,' presents classic tales of King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table. It explores their legendary f...
FantasyAdventureFictionMythologyChildren's Literature
This book, part of a four-volume series by Howard Pyle, focuses on the stories of three prominent knights of the Round Table: Percival, Tristram, and...
'Vision of Sir Launfal and Other Poems' is a collection of poems by James Russell Lowell, one of the prominent Fireside poets of the 19th century. The...
Wilhelm Wägner's *Epics and Romances of the Middle Ages* is a comprehensive anthology that presents the principal hero-lays of the six great epic cycl...
Sir Thomas Malory's *Le Morte d'Arthur* is a collection of tales about the legendary King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table. It is a rich tap...
'Shining Pyramid: The Definitive Edition' collects Arthur Machen's stories and essays, offering a comprehensive look at his writing during a pivotal p...