John Henry Mackay's "Die Anarchisten" is a philosophical exploration of the contrasting principles of individualistic anarchism and communism. The boo...
The Making of a Bigot follows the journey of Eddy Oliver, a young Cambridge University student, as he encounters various personalities who exert signi...
Le Bon's *Psychology of Revolution* examines the psychological mechanisms behind revolutions and the role of crowds in driving social upheaval. He ana...
“Fuerzas Extrañas” es una colección de relatos de misterio y una teoría del cosmos que marcan un hito en la literatura fantástica y de ciencia ficción...
This novel delves into the tumultuous political landscape of 19th century Spain, specifically following the aftermath of the Peninsular War. It focuse...
Virgin Soil, the final novel by Ivan Turgenev, explores the tumultuous social changes sweeping through Russia in the wake of serf emancipation. The s...
Georges Sorel's *Reflections on Violence* is a seminal work of political philosophy that explores the role of violence in social and political change....