In a world ravaged by climate change, humanity has been reduced to primitive tribes struggling for survival. Burl, a young hunter, embarks on a journe...
Buster Bumblebee is a young bee with a big heart and a thirst for adventure. When his family moves to a new home, Buster encounters a variety of fasci...
To the Gnat is a lighthearted poem by Samuel Rogers that humorously laments the annoyance of a persistent gnat. The speaker addresses the gnat directl...
A Summer Night in the Beehive is a short, lyrical poem by Charles Tennyson Turner that captures the beauty and serenity of a summer night in the Engli...
The Bee-Master of Warrilow follows the life of a dedicated beekeeper deeply rooted in the traditions and knowledge of his forefathers. Set in the Eng...
This collection of works originally published as part of 'Harris's Cabinet' features classic children's poems centered around the whimsical theme of a...
La Metamorfosis, escrita por Franz Kafka en 1912, explora la transformación repentina de Gregorio Samsa en un insecto gigante. Esta transformación no...