In the May 1962 issue of Amazing Stories, "The Stars, My Brothers" presents an intriguing tale of an astronaut revived from a century-long slumber. Th...
In a small town called Jarviston, Minnesota, a group of young, ambitious individuals called 'The Bunch' are fueled by a shared dream: to escape Earth...
In a future where humanity has expanded beyond Earth, the Inter-Planetary Corporation (IPC) dominates space travel. When a routine flight to Mars goe...
Calhoun, an Interstellar Medical Serviceman, is sent to Dara, a forbidden planet under quarantine due to a deadly plague. Despite the risks, Calhoun m...
An interstellar doctor and his pet alien are sent to investigate a mysterious disease on a remote planet. They soon discover that the disease is not w...
In 'Operation: Outer Space,' Jed Cochrane faces a unique challenge: leading humanity's first interstellar voyage while ensuring it's compelling telev...