In the May 1962 issue of Amazing Stories, "The Stars, My Brothers" presents an intriguing tale of an astronaut revived from a century-long slumber. Th...
In a small town called Jarviston, Minnesota, a group of young, ambitious individuals called 'The Bunch' are fueled by a shared dream: to escape Earth...
In a future where humanity has expanded beyond Earth, the Inter-Planetary Corporation (IPC) dominates space travel. When a routine flight to Mars goe...
Calhoun, an Interstellar Medical Serviceman, is sent to Dara, a forbidden planet under quarantine due to a deadly plague. Despite the risks, Calhoun m...
An interstellar doctor and his pet alien are sent to investigate a mysterious disease on a remote planet. They soon discover that the disease is not w...
In 'Operation: Outer Space,' Jed Cochrane faces a unique challenge: leading humanity's first interstellar voyage while ensuring it's compelling telev...
The Stainless Steel Rat, a renowned conman and thief, finds himself tasked with recovering a lost battleship. The problem is not the battleship itsel...
In a distant future, Earth has become a forgotten relic, its population dwindled to a few million living in simple peace and contentment. However, th...
This volume, 'Astounding Stories 08', compiles a collection of science fiction tales from August 1930. The centerpiece is the conclusion of Murray Le...
In 'Galaxy Primes,' four brilliant individuals—two men and two women—find themselves stranded billions of parsecs from Earth after their experimental...
In a chillingly bleak future, humanity has established colonies across the stars, but something sinister is unfolding. Halsey's Planet, a once thrivi...
James Bolivar diGriz, also known as Slippery Jim and The Stainless Steel Rat, is an interstellar con man, crook, and thief. He's also a thorn in the s...