Wasuregusaniyosu is the debut poetry collection by Michizou Tachihara, a prominent figure in early 20th-century Japanese literary modernism. The colle...
'Nowaki' is a novel by Sōseki Natsume that tells the story of three writers in Tokyo around 1900. The novel explores themes of friendship, poverty, we...
“Roman Dourou” is a collection of short stories penned by five siblings during the Japanese New Year. The stories all draw inspiration from the classi...
This novella follows a university student named Shunsuke who has a chance encounter with a young woman in the rain. Their paths cross again at a conc...
This poignant and heartwarming memoir tells the story of a young boy's childhood in early 20th-century Japan. After being adopted into a new family, t...
Imado Shinjū, by Ryūrō Hirotsu, is a poignant tale set in the Yoshiwara district of Edo-era Japan, a place known for its legal prostitution. The story...
''Romances of Old Japan'' is a collection of traditional Japanese tales translated into English by Yei Theodora Ozaki. The stories explore themes of l...
Nami-ko, a young woman from a noble Japanese family, is happily married to Takeo, a naval officer. However, tragedy strikes when Nami-ko contracts tub...
The Tale of Genji, penned by Murasaki Shikibu in the 11th century, offers a captivating glimpse into the intricate world of the Heian period Japanese...
These three diaries offer a fascinating glimpse into the lives of women in the Japanese court during the Heian Period. They are written in a frank and...