Uncle Tom's Cabin, written by Harriet Beecher Stowe, is a novel that tells the story of a group of slaves in the American South. The novel follows the...
The Little Colonel is a novel by Annie Fellows Johnston. The story is set in Kentucky and tells the tale of a young girl who is known as the Little Co...
Set in the historic state of Kentucky, this enchanting tale follows the adventures of Malcolm and Keith, two young Southern aristocrats who embody the...
Cecelia Loring, a young woman grieving the loss of her mother, seeks solace and purpose in the Kentucky mountains. She finds work at a school, becomi...
In 'The Little Colonel's House Party,' Lloyd Sherman, the spirited and beloved 'Little Colonel,' invites three new friends to spend a summer at her fa...
In "The Little Colonel's Holidays," readers rejoin Betty "The Little Colonel" and her friends as they enjoy a summer filled with adventures and expe...