Here and Hereafter by Barry Pain is a thought-provoking and captivating book that delves into the mysteries of the afterlife. Published in 1911, this...
In the thrilling masterpiece "The Man Who Was Thursday, A Nightmare" by G. K. Chesterton, the line between reality and illusion blurs, secrets unravel...
In the depths of contemplation and radical doubt, René Descartes takes us on an intellectual journey like no other in his timeless work, "Six Metaphys...
In den rauschenden Künstlerkreisen des Fin de Siècle ist ein Geheimnis verborgen, das das Schicksal eines Mannes für immer verändert. Willkommen in de...
"Enter the mystical realm of 'Hymns to the Night' by Novalis, where darkness and light intertwine in a dance of poetic brilliance. In this collection,...
In "The Crystal Circe" by Henry Kuttner, prepare to embark on a mind-bending odyssey through time and reality itself. When Fred discovers a mysterious...
This week we’re marking the American Memorial Day with eleven readings of a John Donne poem. Memorial Day was conceived as a time to remember military...
LibriVox volunteers bring you 6 different recordings of One day is there of the series by Emily Dickinson. This was the weekly poetry project for the...
The World is an extended poem that explores themes of faith, nature, and the human condition. Vaughan's writing is often characterized by its use of p...
This collection of John Donne's 'divine poems' offers a profound exploration of theological themes through the lens of his personal experiences. Donne...
The Blue Bird is a whimsical and thought-provoking allegory that follows the adventures of Tyltil and Mytil, two young children who embark on a quest...
This book is a collection of readings of the poem "A Hymn of the Nativity, Sung by the Shepherds" by Richard Crashaw. The poem is a celebration of the...
John Donne's "To His Mistress Going to Bed" is a passionate and intricate sonnet that explores the themes of love, desire, and the interplay between t...
John Donne's 'Good Friday, 1613. Riding Westward' is a meditative poem that reflects on the themes of sin, redemption, and the transformative power of...
**The True Christmas** is a collection of poems by Henry Vaughan, a Welsh metaphysical poet. The poems explore the themes of the birth of Christ, the...