The Man from Glengarry is a classic Canadian novel that tells the story of Ranald Macdonald, a young man who comes of age in rural eastern Ontario in...
Agnes C. Laut's "Canada: The Empire of the North" is a captivating account of Canada's historical development, focusing on the romantic and adventurou...
The Middle Ages were a period of great change and upheaval in Europe. This book provides a comprehensive overview of this era, covering everything fro...
An exploration of the relationship between the intellect and willpower of monarchs and the condition of their countries, based on a comparative analys...
This book, "Petite histoire de Belgique," by Edward Le Glay, provides a comprehensive overview of the history of Belgium, a small kingdom situated at...
This collection of poems by Thomas Frederick Young explores themes of Canadian nationalism and identity. Young believed that literature had the power...